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Composition on " Drug Addiction " and " Duties of Students"

               Drug addiction

Drug addiction is a social evil. It has been prevalent in society from time immemorial. There are a variety of drugs which are used in various forms. A drug addict becomes a drug dependent. He cannot live without drugs. It is a form of psychological conditioning that implies a set of mental and behavioral responses to drugs and related stimuli that result from repeated reinforcement produced by the use of drugs.

There are a number of causes which lead to drug addiction. These include social, economic, religious, and physiological factors. There is a strong nexus between drug and torn family life. It has been found that broken family structure often forces one to resort to drug. This is because a person faced with such situation chooses drug for its euphoric or mind-altering effect to escape from the immediate situation.

This escapism in turn compels the user to go back to the drug to avoid the trouble and it eventually leads to addiction. While it is necessary to face the problem and tackle it, the users more often than not are under the effects of drugs and neglect the situation. It, as a result, worsens giving way to further use of drugs to escape the problem which is already mounted. Thus, addiction and myths of stress relief associated with it makes a vicious cycle.

Sometimes, exposure to drugs in the family or the locality or the school makes one a drug addicts. Usually, children of a drunkard also become a drug addict. The early exposure to drugs immensely contributes to make them drug addicts. Their innocent immature mind is unable to get its negative impact on them. When they are mature, they can understand everything, but are already caught in its vicious trap. The company also plays a prominent role in making one drug addict. ‘Doing drugs’ as a cultural fad amongst the youth provokes them to experiment and lures them for addiction.

The phenomenon of drug addiction has its roots in an individual’s psychological, physical and social bases. Drugs are addictive as they are taken either to escape from the existing situation or for pleasure-seeking. In a way, drugs become the sole source of gratification for the person who has chosen them as a support system. The person reaches such a physiological state which necessitates the continued use of drug to prevent withdrawals.

There are varieties of drugs available today, which include narcotics, depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens and cannabis, in other words, opium, morphine, heroin, marijuana, bhang, hashish, LSD, mescaline, khat, codeine are different forms of drugs. Alcohol, marijuana, and heroine are the most commonly abused substances. Some drugs like bhang, hashish, tabocco and liquor are cheaper which a man of low-income group can afford while drugs like heroine, LSD, morphine, etc. are highly costly. Only affluent section of society can have accessibility to them.

Every drug, including alcohol and tobacco, which is socially acceptable, is harmful for the body as a whole. But the drugs which have a high physical dependence are more dangerous for the health in comparison to others. As the concentration of alcohol increases in the blood, vision, hearing, smell, taste and muscle coordinations are affected, resulting in staggering in one’s gait.

The mental confusion enhances with even a small quantity of drug intake which is manifested in behavioral changes. Drug dependence hampers memory perception, problem- solving skill and concentration. Besides, a number of symptoms such as increased pulse rate, blood pressure, loss of appetite, insomnia, icro-vascular damage, severe weight loss, psychosis, violent behaviour, poor comprehension and memory are associated with it. Long-term alcohol abuse has varied affects on human body.

It affects the brain cells irrevocably and often leads to nerve damage. This, in turn, leads to loss of sensation and mobility in limbs. Liver damage resulting in cirrhosis is the most dangerous health hazard caused by drug addiction. Significantly, women are more prone to liver related disease than men. Besides, alcohol taken by pregnant women may cause health problem to babies.

When their capabilities and efficiencies are not well-rewarded and not well-recognised, they opt out and seek alternative gratifications in drugs. When the ordinary social fabric is disrupted by several socio-economic factors such as poverty, unemployment, migration, etc. the problems of drug addiction get chance to flourish. Undoubtedly, drug addiction is a great socio-economic and health problem. It is kind of disease which is curable with the help of proper treatment. But for the total recovery of the addict, psychological treatment side by side medical treatment through individual counseling, group therapy, re-education and yoga is of immense help. The planning of treatment must focus on self- exposure and self-help.

Unless a person wishes to get rid of this evil, it is very difficult to give it up. Hence, an awareness campaign can serve the purpose. The media, the NGOs, self- help groups and other governmental and non-governmental agencies can play influential role. Besides, our educational curriculum should be so designed that value-based moral education is made a part of it. Since in very early age, more values need to be inculcated in children, they should be taught to develop ood hobbies to spend time happily and meaningfully in good company. They need to be taught to develop a useful and constructive work-oriented daily routine in which they do manage some time for social activities. They should be made aware of the vices of addiction.

Duties of Students

Students are the repository of all that is vital and vigorous in society. They are the vital forces in the social organism. If the students do not come upto our expectations simply because they are led astray and their vigor is drained away, the radiance of our hopes is likely to be dimmed. It is essential, therefore, that students should realize this and make full preparations for playing their proper role in society and answering the call of the time to come.

This leads us to the consideration of the duties which the students should discharge in order to become good citizens of tomorrow. When we talk of duties, the terms ‘rights’ naturally occurs to us. The students of today, unfortunately, are conscious of only their rights. It is good that they should have a consciousness of these too, for they are the basic conditions of freedom. But, what is more important to understand is the fact that rights do not stand by themselves. They grow out of duties.

Hence the need is to be more conscious about duties than about rights. Duties of students can be divided into four categories: (1) Duties to themselves, (2) Duties to the family, (3) Duties to the society and the (4) Duties to the humanity.

The first duty of students is towards themselves. They should try to have good health, for a sound mind lives in a sound body. One cannot do anything great without good health, however much one wants to do so. For this purpose they should take part in games and sports. They should be guided by the maxim “Read while you read and play while you play.” The second duty which they owe to themselves is character formation. Building up of good habits in the beginning is very necessary. The good habits that are formed in the student life last throughout. And character is nothing but a bundle of habits.

Simple living and high thinking1 must be the motto of their lives. They should develop decency, good manners and good behavior towards others. Thirdly, they should pay full attention to their studies, for it is their studies which shall determine their future course of life.

Besides duties towards themselves, students owe duties towards their parents, elders and teachers. Parents who are responsible for their having come into the beautiful, delightful world have a moral claim upon their children, who should do everything to repay at least some part of the irreparable debt they owe to their parents. They should not do anything that tarnishes the image of their family.

Next to parents come teachers to whom students woe irreparable debt. The teacher who guides youth to course through this life as a respectable member of society deserves the most sanctified respect of the students.

Man is a social being. He is what he can be; what he intends to become due to society. Social service leads to the liberation of the self which in turn leads to the ennoblement of the soul and the enlargement of the spirit. Besides these spiritual gains, students can get experience of an education in harmonious social living. They can also eke out their resources by earning some little money as a result of their social service. They can help in the eradication of social evils like infant marriages, casteism, untouchability etc.

During their vacation students can organize night schools in villages and thus be helpful in solving the problem of illiteracy. They can instill political consciousness in the villagers and can tell them their rights in the democratic set up of the country. During times of war students can organize civil defense operations and look after the families of these who are actively engaged in fighting against the enemy.

Service to humanity is the crying need of the hour. Nationalism is an utterly crude term in the context of the modern times. The world is a family; this should ever remain on the conscious plan of their minds. Thanks to science that it has conquered barriers of space. Students of one country can communicate and establish contacts with students of foreign countries. They should try to develop sense of accommodation for the people of all countries without discrimination on the basis of social or political systems of their countries or the faith or religion of their societies.

In the world of today our lot is closely connected with the lot of people of every other country. Students should help in the formation of effective world public opinion against cases of injustice, tyranny of oppression in any part of the world.

Politics is an integral part of our life. What Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman once said of himself, “I take part in politics because it encircles us like the coils of snake” may with the same degree of emphasis be said of every one of us including students. And hence they should be allowed full participation in the policies of their country and that of the world.

We have put before the students a plethora (superfluity) of duties. In fact, the performance of these duties is very essential particularly now when free Bangladesh demands active participation of students in the task of social advancement and national development. But the society and the government should not lose sight of their duties and responsibilities towards students.

Those suffering from financial hardships should be rendered all possible financial help; for the proper execution of their studies. Employment after studies should be ensured with perfect fairness and non-discrimination.

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