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Changing Reading Habit

Changing Reading Habit
Reading habit is the mark of civility of a nation. The more reading habit a nation has got as a whole the more it is marked as civilized Reading books and other materials of learning makes individuals enlightened, elevating their intelligence level. It makes them morally high, giving them a clear sense of good and bad. It also keeps people aware of what is happening around, in local and international arena, It creates a strong base of personality. Reading habit of people does not, however, remain the same over time. Usually with the spread of literacy and assurance of greater ease in life, reading habit follows a rising curve. On the other hand, it may decline due to technological change and other reasons.
The reading habit of people in this land, as elsewhere around the globe, is changing rapidly, for better or worse. People in general are taking less interest in reading books. They resort to other modes of pastime. They spend more time in watching TV, browsing internet, playing computer games, listening to music in CD/DVD, etc. They hardly earmark any time for reading in their everyday routine. Those who have to read for profession have also changed their way of deal. Many of them now depend on 'soft reading', i.e. reading soft materials on computer screen. They search for necessary texts in internet and download them to be used in classroom, examination or research. The whole scenario of reading has changed.
Decades ago the habit of reading was pervasive. People showed real interest in collecting and reading books. They felt proud Of possessing books, as many do nowadays in their CD/DVD collections. Visiting library was a necessary part of life. Students used to read fiction and poetry outside their syllabus. There was social ‘movement for encouraging reading. Every locality had clubs which among other things kept books for their members. There were separate libraries and reading circles as well. There was competition among organizations for collecting books both in quality and quantity and competition among members for reading them. It was a healthy competition, which spawned a golden time of reading. That reading culture is lost, now, however.
The burgeoning bustle of life is identified as one of the main reasons for waning reading habit. Life has been so busy that people can hardly manage time for reading. The pressure of livelihood has mounted tremendously, thrusting people in earning bread, in all desperations. A money-centric corporate culture is sweeping life away, making people crazy for pomp and prosperity in the form of land, flat, car and other amenities. Reading is a secondary concern or no concern at all. There is no time for reading in fact. Even they cannot find time for reading newspaper. They just skim through the headlines. They can hardly read anything with profound concentration due to time constraint. They are always in a hurry to finish their assignments in vocation. It is really a hard time, witnessing a famine of reading.
Proliferation of information technology has also contributed to the change in reading habit. Computer technology in particular has opened up new vistas of recreation. Now people can spend time in browsing internet. People can stay day and night in the virtual world, moving from one website to another, and chatting with their pals. Children and adolescents take computer games as great fun. They sometimes get addicted to it, forgetting their school lessons. Some watch movies while others enjoy music in computer with the facility of ROM drive. Some remain busy with desktop PC while others with their portable laptops. This new mode of entertainment has replaced the old VCR system, giving rise to burnt discs business instead of cassettes. And all these developments of technology have dampened the reading mind.
 Mobile phone also takes a bulk of people's everyday time. They talk over mobile phone every now and then as they like. They carry the tiny device in their palms, pockets or bags and use them to call receive calls. They also send SMS to the people they need mobile phone offers other funs like games, audio, video and camera .Internet connectivity is also available nowadays, which helps the mobile users to send and receive e-mail even when they are moving. This mobile technology has exerted a negative impact on the reading habit of the people.
 After hectic day of work, when people come back home, they seek light entertainment. Television is there to wash away their weariness and boredom. Television demands a passive mind for the watchers. Reading on the other hand needs active involvement of the readers—it needs brain work. Television programmes easily stir visual and aural senses, providing ready pleasure. Hence television is  more popular than book. Nowadays television offers numerous  channels with numerous programmes. The viewers can surf the channels to find out programmes conforming to their taste and get engrossed in it until they retire to bed.
We can ask whether the new generation will be dumb without suffieient reading of books. Are they going to be intellectually crippled or bankrupt? No, the children of the new age will be cleverer, with the blessings of new science and technology. Their intellectual pursuit will be met in a different way. They will master new skills to meet the challenges of the day. They will be good at computing and other machine-based jobs. It is not entirely true that the children are reading at all. Many may avoid creative literature but they still read specialised literature of various disciplines. They explore technical books of every academic subject in science, humanities and business, which have developed into complex ramifications. They penetrate the accumulation of knowledge with more power of brains. They are well advanced in all affairs. Special knowledge of the previous generation  has turned into their common sense.

 It is obvious that the reading habit of the people is on the decay. It will never be regained probably. As time runs, reading minds shift away to other preoccupations. But one thing must be noticed. People are now reading in computer. They are collecting information from different websites and reading them sitting before the monitor. This tendency is increasing day by day, bringing a new dimension in the mode of reading.

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