Important Idioms and Phrases:
Serial B ( Day -1)
1. Baby sitting—( looking after children ) Our teachers and and
professors do no more than baby sitting.
2. Hold the baby— (to be left in the lurch with a responsibility) - When
the mother of the baby died, Shri Lal Bahadur Sastri held the baby .
3. Back and belly—(clothing and food ) It is very hard to earn back
and belly now—a-days.
4. Back and forth—(to and fro) She was walking back and forth in the corridor.
5. Back down—( abandon one's opinion of position) When the public wind blows against them,
strong men do not back down.
6. Back friend—(a friend who stands at one’s back) There are few
friends left now-a-days.
7. Back handed—(indirect; insincere; deceitful) Beware of the back
handed friends.
8. Backing down—( shirking) Once you have made a commitment, let there be
no backing down.
9. Back number—(a person or thing out of date; past the stage of
usefulness ) An aged man is a back number.
Back of
—(behind.) China is back of Pakistan.