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All kinds of Collective Nouns' Examples

Collective Nouns
1.      a stack of wood
2.      a bunch of keys/grapes/ bananas
3.      a fleet of ships
4.      a wad of notes
5.      a group of islands
6.      a forest/clump of trees
7.      a string of pearls
8.      a bouquet/bunch of  a pair of shoes
9.      an album of stamps/ photographs
10.   a hedge of bushes
11.  a bowl of rice
12.  a pack of cards
13.  a library/pile of books
14.  a basket of fruit
15.  a galaxy of stars
16.   a band of musicians 
17.  a board of directors
18.  a bunch of crooks 
19.  a choir of singers 
20.  a group of students
21.   a crew of sailors
22.   a crowd of people
23.  a flock of tourists
24.  a party of friends 
25.  a gang/pack of thieves
26.  a haul/shoal/school of fish 
27.  a swarm of ants/flies
28.  a flock of sheep
29.  a flight of birds
30.  a catch of fish 
31.  a flock of birds
32.  a herd of deer/cattle/ elephants/goats
33.  a litter of puppies/kittens
34.  a pack of wolves/dogs/hounds
35.  a hive/swarm of bees
36.  a group/troupe of dancers
37.  a litter of cubs
38.  a host of angels
39.  a pride of lions
40.  a panel of experts
41.  a zoo of wild animals
42.  a team of players
43.  a host of sparrows
44.  a troupe of artists/dancers
45.  a team of horses
46.  an army of soldiers
47.  an army of ants

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