Only for Admin

Transform the following sentences into positive degree:

Transform the following sentences into positive:

1.      The Padma is larger than any other river in Bangladesh.
2.      A lion is not braver than he.   
3.      Jim and Della were not less wise than the Magi.
4.      You are older than I.
5.      I guess her hands are bigger than a bus.
6.      A train runs faster than a bus.
7.      Her teeth were brighter than a string of pearls.         
8.      Jim's watch was more valuable than the treasures of king Solomon.
9.      Della's hair was better than the jewels of the queen of Sheba.
10.  Her face was not less radiant than the full moon.
11.  Suman is more brilliant than most other boys.
12.  No sooner had he seen the police than he ran away.
13.  He is faster than all other boys. 
14.  You are not less beautiful than your sister.
15.  Any one of the three is costlier than this pen.

Answers :
1.      No other river in Bangladesh is as large as the Padma.
2.      He is as brave as a lion.
3.      Jim and Della were as wise as magi.
4.      I am not as old as you.
5.      A bus is not as big as her hands.
6.      A bus does not run faster than a train.
7.      A string of pearls was not as bright as her teeth.
8.      The treasures of King Solomon were not as valuable as Jim’s watch.
9.      The jewels of Queen Sheba were not as bright as Della’s hair.
10.  Her face was as radiant as the full moon.
11.  Very few boys are as brilliant as Suman.
12.  As soon as he saw the police, he ran away.
13.  No other boys is as fast as he.
14.  You are as beautiful as your sister.
15.  This pen is not as costly as any of the three.

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