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( January Night : Work Book) New Oxford Modern English 7 by David Horsburgh and Nicholas Horsburgh

                   January Night


a)     Got ahead –  (become successful in one's life or career)

b)     Got away – (to leave or escape from a person or place)

c)     Got over – (to start to forget someone and feel happy again)

d)     Got into – (to start enjoying something, or to become enthusiastic about it) 

e)     Got through – (to reach a destination)

Use present participle (ing) , and to join the sentences

1.      Jabra barked his agreement. He trotted towards the orchard. He joined his master.

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Barking at his agreement , Jabra had trotted towards the orchard and joined his master.

2.      Halku wrapped himself up in his shawl. He sat by the warm fire. He hummed a tune.

Wrapping himself up in his shawl , Halku had sat by the warm fire and  hummed a tune

3.      Halku distinctly heard the noise in the field. He realized Jabra was there to protect him. He settled down again.(use but)

Distinctly hearing the noise in the field,  Halku had realized Jabra was there to protect him but settled down again.

4.      He gathered some stalks from a field. He made a broom out of them. He picked up a lighted cow-dung cake.

Gathering some stalks from a field,  He had made a broom out of them and picked up a lighted cow-dung cake

5.      Halku sat up. He brought both knees tight against his chest. He leaned back to look at the skies.

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Sitting up Halku had brought both knees tight against his chest and leaned back to look at the skies.

Synonyms of the given words.

a)     Coax - persuade, wheedle, cajole,
f)      intimacy- closeness, togetherness, affinity
b)     Protracted -      prolonged, long-lasting, extended
g)     Arrears - debt(s), liabilities, dues
c)     Calamity - disaster, catastrophe, tragedy
h)     Immense- huge, vast, massive, enormous
d)     Scorched - burn, sear, singe, char
i)       Onslaught - assault, attack, offensive
e)     Distinctly - decidedly, markedly, definitely
j)       Drowsiness – dreamy, languid , restful

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