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Composition on " Value of Time" and " Vice and Abuses of Internet"


Value of Time
There is a saying “Time and tide waits for none”. The saying is indeed true. Time waits for none. It comes and goes. Time is absolutely unbound able. Neither money nor position can buy it. Nothing on earth can subdue or conquer it.
The most remarkable feature of time is its preciousness. Its value is unfathomable and its power is inestimable. Its potential is something which we cannot calculate. A minute is enough to win a victory. A second is enough to make you the richest man in the world. A fraction of a sec­ond can make a difference between life and death.
Every moment brings with it thousands of golden opportunities. Every minute is a store-house of ‘chances’. Therefore, we must not allow such precious time to slip away. If we do so, we allow those golden opportunities and chances to slip away too.

As we go through life, we realize for ourselves that, if there is anything in the world which will never come back, it is time. Once time crosses into the threshold of the past, it never again returns to the ‘present’. Those who have realized this basic truth of life, never allow time to pass away unused. To utilize time fruitfully, we must take concrete steps as to how we are going to use it and what we are going to do with it.
Until and unless we set up a time-table for ourselves and make a general division of time for the various tasks and jobs at our hand, time will keep slipping away with its golden opportunities unnoticed. Unplanned living is the surest way to kill time.
Those individuals, who plan beforehand, seldom fail. They are able to start their work on time and are able to complete it in time. Having worked out every minute of the allotted time, they do not hurry. Planning and proper implementation of that always brings in success. Those who plan their living and activities seldom face heartaches, mental tensions and worries. A careful glance into the life history of successful men and women all over the world will reveal the basic truth that success is the outcome of planned utilization of time.

Therefore, if we want to succeed in life we ought to chalk out what we are going to do with the minutes, hours, days, months and years at our disposal. This is the first step to success. Secondly, work must never be postponed; tomorrow’ may never materialize. We can only be sure of the present’ which in our hands. Postponement and laziness are the ropes which strangle time. Thus, time can create us or destroy us. It all depends on how we utilize time.

Vice and Abuses of Internet

The internet can be seen as the most popular technology in the modern life. Its facilities are applied for many aspects of life such as studying and working.

Whichever it may be the internet has proved itself very helpful tool in many ways, it has opened a gateway for people; it made it possible for us to communicate with people from the other side of the world. Allowing us to meet new people and discover new places even though we are not there. The internet is easily accessible to everyone because it is inexpensive and can be afforded by most.

While some consider it as a blessing others regard it as a curse, because the internet like everything else in the world has a good and a bad side to it. The one of the main reasons that many people blame is that there is no sense of censorship in the world of the internet.

Without censorship many things spin out of control. People start using the internet as a method of spying rather than a manner of communication they abuse this blessing by placing information or data that is unacceptable such as pornography, others may use it for fraud or theft. When these actions are committed they are considered a as a form of crime, and like all other crimes they are intolerable by society.

A student no longer needs to spend long hours in libraries searching for a desired piece of information. A web search engine can provide the needed material just at a click of a button and no matter which remote corner of the world you are in, the Internet will keep you side by side of the latest developments in our area of interest.

As with every new technology there are those who speak high of the Internet and there are those who portray it in an unfavorable source of knowledge. And as with other new technologies there is nothing wrong with the Internet itself. It is we who are to decide which way to travel on this information super path. We may decide to travel the right path and reach the ultimate destination of knowledge power and truth. Or we may choose the wrong direction and expose ourselves to all kinds of vices.

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