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List of all Amplifications
Amplification: Reading makes a full man
Amplification: The paths of glory lead but to the grave
Amplification: For duty, duty must be done; the rule applies to everyone
Amplification: Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty
Amplification: The real dignity of a man lies, not in what he has, but in what he is
Amplification: Custom reconciles us to everything
Amplification: Our sweetest songs are those that tell of saddest thought
Amplification: Heard melodies are sweet, but those unheard are
Amplification: Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown
Amplification: One who see both sides of a question, sees nothing
Amplification: Act well your part, there all the honor lies  Or, Honor and shame from no condition rise  Or, Act well your part and there all the honor lies
Amplification: Security is mortals’ chief enemy
Amplification: Darkness is the harbinger of light
Amplification: Ambition is the last temptation of great minds
Amplification: One lie leads to another
Amplification: Propaganda is the worst form of argument
Amplification: Time is a great healer
Amplification: It is easy to be deceived by fancy advertisements
Amplification:  Man often realizes the truth, but very late